Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain Plans To Join Palin In Hiding

John McCain has announced his intention to suspend his campaign and wants to skip Friday's debate due to the economic crisis.

He says he is headed to DC to address this emergency.

The mind boggles.

So McCain, who made the foolish claim that the economy is sound just last week; McCain, who admitted he didn't understand economics; McCain who was a leader in the fight to deregulate banking, a key factor in this failure; John McCain who has missed over 80% of the votes in Congress this year, is headed to DC to save us (God help us if he actually does get involved, his efforts have so far contributed to the Savings and Loan bailouts 15-20 years ago and this mess. Given the access, who knows what else he could screw up.).

Or could it be that:

McCain doesn't want to deal with the fact that the floor has fallen out of his poll numbers; His campaign manager was, until last month, basically on the payroll of fannie may and freddie mac the failed loan companies (how can you clean up DC when you are run by big time DC insiders?); McCain wants to avoid more public misstatements by himself of by his VP choice who is calling for another Great Depression and war with Russia.

My bet is he is desperate to change the subject and is afraid of any debate that will focus on economic issues.

McCain is simply scared and wants to hide, not real presidential is it.


I love this line from Ben Smith:

McCain suspends his campaign, and asks to postpone Friday's debate, to address the financial crisis.

Both candidates have been marginal players; McCain, though, seems to have the potential to make himself a major one, and his move is a mark, most of all, that he doesn't like the way this campaign is going.

But in terms of the timing of this move: The only thing that's changed in the last 48 hours is the public polling.




Anonymous said...

Love your blog! It's the first one I read every day. I would like comment on McCain's 80% missed voting record. Isn't Obama's similar for the last year?

Anonymous said...

Obama's is close for this year, but not as bad. If you look at the record for the whole term, Obama's is much better than McCain.