Friday, April 29, 2005

Friday's places to visit, just a click away

Our first stop is the Columbia Journalism Review and their story Stations Of The Cross, on How evangelical Christians are creating an alternative universe of faith-based news.

From DAILY DELAY a quick note about a his $784.00 a day meal bill on vacation.

Christian Democrats, in an older post I just found, asks Did the Nazi's Separate Church and State?.. hint, the answer is no.

A Cartoon helps us understand faith, at least from the Republican political side of things.

Dominionists are the focus of Local Tint (and a past effort on my part), check tint out.

A quick look at Bush's Proposed Social Security Cuts is presented by Eschaton. I told you there would be cuts, and these look nasty.

And from the office of Sen. B. Boxer (D-Ca) a look at the "Galveston Option' and how it compares to the current Social Security program.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good links, thanks.

The Strip was &)@% funny