Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bush to spread his fertilizer at Fort Bragg.

George Bush will visit Ft. Bragg tonight, and try to rally the American public back behind his 'war on terror'. Once again, our President will misuse the military, making them a visual back-drop and a shelter for political gain. No doubt Bush will try to explain away the disaster that Iraq has become, and profess the whole story isn't being told.

All of this in his crusade against terror.

When we invaded Afghanistan the action was greeted with broad support. Al Qaeda had attacked us, and were sheltered there. The attack was logical, proper and necessary.

Next we invaded Iraq. This is a war of another type. For the first time in our history, we initiated combat. To get the nation to do this, the Bush administration talked of Mushroom clouds, Bio weapons and 9-11. Bush's administration claimed that Saddam was building nuclear weapons, He claimed that Saddam possessed vast stockpiles of Biological and Chemical weapons, He claimed that Saddam was working with Bin Laden. With work, Bush sold us his war. He convinced the majority of the congress and the people that a preemptive war was acceptable.

The trouble is, all of Bush's excuses for this war have proven to be un-true.

The support for his war is evaporating. His other policies and initiatives are dying on the vine. So out he will come, with the proper visual props in place, to remind us of the reason for his war.

Will he mention Weapons of Mass Destruction? Will Bush focus on the ties between Saddam and Bin Laden?


Bush will focus on 9-11, the spread of freedom, and the his 'war on terror'. he will dwell on fear, trying to scare the people of the US with terrorist boogie men. He will spout high ideals, that have no relationship to the reality he has created, and he will try wrap himself up in the flag, so that any attack on his failings could be seen as attack on this country.

Bush gets his time on the stage, and gets to spread his fertilizer on the American public in the effort to grow his poll numbers. When will someone finally compel Bush to explain how 9-11 is related to Iraq? Will anyone ask when it became to responsibility of the US to try create freedom at the point of a M-16?

And, the most important question, can Bush please explain to us how we will know when we have won his 'war on terror'.

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