Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Even more on the war on Science.

It is no secret that the Bush administration was been waging a war on science. It is clear that the operational desires of business and faith are being allowed to overrule scientific fact.

This editorial in the IHT, The wages of fundamentalism, takes a look at recent trends, and the path Bush is leading us down.

For decades, "big science" - indeed any kind of science - has been led by the United States. There are warning signs, however, that American science is losing its edge, and may even have peaked. One reason is that as religious and political fundamentalism tighten their grip, they are beginning to sap America's intellectual vitality.

When facts no longer matter, and dogma, or profit are considered more important, this happens.

According to a survey in Physical Review, reported in May 2004, the number of scientific papers published by West European authors had overtaken those by U.S. authors in 2003, whereas in 1983 there were three American authors for every West European. The percentage of patents granted to American scientists has been falling since 1980, from 60.2 percent of the world total to 51.8 percent. In 1989, America trained the same number of science and engineering PhDs as Britain, Germany and France put together; now the United States is 5 percent behind. The number of citations in science journals, hitherto led by American scientists, is now led by Europeans.

As battles have raged in Kansas and elsewhere in America over evolution and Genesis, reputable biologists have spoken up in favor of Darwin's theories, but who knows how many students have already been turned off biology by these skirmishes?

As a result of fundamentalist opposition, America is already falling behind in cloning and stem cell research, now led by South Korean, Italian and British scientists. In February the New Scientist reported a survey in which fully half the scientists working for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said they had been pushed to alter or withdraw scientific findings for political reasons.

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the number of Chinese and Indians traveling to America to study has fallen by more than 50 per cent - they are going to Europe instead. There are now as many Asian PhDs being produced as U.S. ones, more and more of them familiar with Europe.

Yet history shows that fundamentalism leads only to stagnation and disaster.

Yet another disaster served up by the Bush Administration.


Anonymous said...

Of the crimes of Bush and his click, The dumbing down of our country is the worse.

Anonymous said...

Great! We're supposed to be fighting Muslim fundamentalists, and at the same time we're turning our country over to the wingnuts. I already live in a third world state; I don't want to live in a third world country.