Friday, June 24, 2005

Rove's attack on half of America was planed and orchestrated

AMERICAblog has all the foul details.

It's pretty clear now that this was a set up orchestrated by the White House in order to deflect attention away from the disaster that is the war in Iraq, and Bush's plumetting polls.

1. The White House released the TEXT of Rove's speech today. According to my sources who know about such things, that NEVER happens. This is prima facie evidence that the White House coordinated this thing from the beginning.

2. The RNC put out talking points today about how the Democrats "blamed America" for September 11. Those detailed talking points were clearly prepared well in advance of this noon today when this thing blew up. WE BLAMED AMERICA?

3. The RNC today reportedly released a new attack web ad going after Durbin for his comments about Guantanamo Bay. Isn't that convenient that something that took at least a few days to prepare was suddenly ready today at the same time that Karl Rove made his comments that anyone who recognizes that Bush has no idea what's going on Iraq is a traitor who loves Osama.

Rove should be removed at once. The fact that it won't happen is just another example of the total lack of character of this administration.


Anonymous said...

Let's just hope the Democrats can keep up a solid front refuting Rove's ridiculous statements. This is a pathetic attempt to pull Bush's ratings out of the cellar, and it should be called what it is.

Jon said...

Amen, and well said.

Mapmaker in DC said...

The trick here is this is bait. Rove is throwing out his words which appeal to his base and paint a bad picture of the Democrats to divert them from the real argument... the ineffectiveness of their foreign policy...

...and the Democrats are falling for it hook line and sinker.

The real counterattck is to call this his defense of the conservative foreign policy I call Conservative Blind Rage.

Basically after 9-11 the conservatives went insane with rage, ignored the liberal's pleas to plan ahead, refused to listen to their neighbors' advice, call their neighbors every name in the book for not agreeing with them, attacked the wrong country, let the mastermind get away, made our servicemen easy targets in a foreign country, and, through their ineffectiveness, made the world a more dangerous place.

So... divert the argument, and diminish the threat.

Remember: they didn't 'prepare for war', they went out for revenge. And conservatives don't listen when they get angry.