Monday, October 13, 2008

Liberal Media

I know this is still one of the most popular phrases coming from the conservative blogs, despite how silly it makes them sound.

This weekend we spotted more evidence of just how non-liberal the 'liberal media' is. Consider how the Washington post is listing the state of the presidential races of the various states in their current breakdown.

Battle Ground States

Pa. Obama +13.8%:
NH. Obama +10.4%:
NJ. Obama +10.0%:
IA. Obama +9.5%:
OR. Obama +9.0%:
MN. Obama +8.2%:
Mi. Obama +8.2%:
Wi. Obama +8.8%:
NM. Obama +7.3%:
Va. Obama +5.1%:
Co. Obama +4.0%:
Oh. Obama +3.5%:
Fl. Obama +3.1%:
Nv. Obama +3.0%:

Now How About the states that are close but not battle-grounds?

Indiana where McCain is +3.8% well its leaning Republican
Georgia where McCain +6.8%: it is also leaning Republican
W. Virginia Where McCain +2.2%: again leaning Republican

Anyone notice a trend?

States that Obama leads in, even when he leads by double digits, are still called battleground states, but states where McCain's lead is small, heck it may be within the MOE, well, they are simply leaning republican. Talk about overt and absurd framing.

Yet, the right wing still cries about the liberal media.

As so many others have said, the stupid, it burns.



Daisy Deadhead said...

States that Obama leads in, even when he leads by double digits, are still called battleground states, but states where McCain's lead is small, heck it may be within the MOE, well, they are simply leaning republican. Talk about overt and absurd framing.

I am a devoted newshound and still never noticed this bias, so thank you for bringing it to my attention!

Jon said...

When I saw this it just rang a beel of another example of the right wing slant of the so called liberal traditional media