Friday, April 28, 2006

From The Files Of The Absurd

Some people are actually upset that a Spanish language version of the National Anthem is be released.

It is amazing the things that some people think are important.


Bush is having his say, he thinks we should have to sing it in English.

I guess that means we now have to track down and destroy all the various foreign language versions now.



Anonymous said...

And what is the problem with that?. if the national anthem is not important to you it doesn't mean is not important to everybody.
How far ultra-liberalism can go?, just an example, one coworker was amazed I confessed I was catholic and democrat, yes sir, democrat and not that liberal. Unless you find a clear and defined position you ultra-liberals are doomed to extintion. We need some backbone back to this (once), great party.

Anonymous said...

I am a Democrat. The National Anthem of America is meant to be sung in English as it was written. It is completely inappropriate to translate the anthem.

Jon said...

Who said it was not important.

I said it was silly to be concerned about how others sang it, or what language others listened to it. and it is, silly and childish.

No one is making YOU sing it in anything other than english (American style), or listen to it in anything other than english.

As was noted in one of the links, many of the immigrant communities have translated our anthem into the language of the land they left, but still spoke.

Where is your outrage over the German, or Polish or other 'non-american' version of the song.

Grow up, the world will never revolve around the way you, or anyone else wants it to. People in this nation should have the freedom to express their love for this land in the manner and language the choose to use.