Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Bush's Plan In Iraq

For anyone who knows anything about 'W's history it is no surprise:

Like Nixon, he doesn't want to be known as a president who 'lost' a war, so he will stay the course. He will do nothing to find a new path, and let someone else be stuck with cleaning up his mess once he is gone.

That is why the Bush rally cry is Stay the Course, and they take such pains to denounce those who want to consider other paths. This is political decision not a strategic one. The decision to extend this policy is based not on winning in Iraq, but appearing to not lose. A more truthful rally cry from this administration would be, spend and spend. He is spending billions of our dollars and he is spending the blood of the youth to safe face. He just has to last 30 more months so the loss the of the war is not on his watch.

This is his pattern, he did this with his guard responsibility, he did this with his various failed businesses, and he is doing it with our nation. He runs them into the ground, bankrupts them, and then runs off and leaves the mess behind. He has started a war that will make the situation in the middle east far worse for us, and is now stalling so he will not have to deal with the mess he has created. He has no goal except to not lose until he is out of office and will work to make sure that someone else has to try to put Humpty back together.

So now he, with the full assistance of his rubber stamp republican congress, will consider no alternative but continuing down this path to failure. But, as long as that failure stays hidden till 2009, 'W' will consider it a great success.


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