Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Examining the Agenda of the Religious Far Right

was the name of the meeting held in New York.

Rev. Bob Edgar, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, speaking at the opening session on Friday night, offered a quote that stayed with me. He said "we are the prophets, the disciples and the leaders we have been waiting for." People came looking for answers, and they got some. But Edgar is right. As citizens, it is up to us to determine the outcome of the central struggles of our time.

He is right.

and a couple of links worthy of a visit

Waterlillian pointed out this bit from the LA Times, about one means of punishing jurists.

And Blytherings makes a Good point and adds some good links.


Anonymous said...

The Reverend is exactly right. This is a call to action for all of us who care about freedom, both civil and religious. And it's good for us in the Bible belt to know that others are aware of what's going on and are willing to speak out about it. Thanks for the info.

Jon said...

I think being in the bible belt makes us more sensitive to what the long term goal of these groups really is.

They want the whole of the US remade in their image of a biblical state.

Anonymous said...

Not "remade," just recognized and "restored."

Jon said...

Just a reminder.

The US was never designed to be a Christian Nation. In fact, many of the founding fathers were not Christians, and had scoffed at many of the aspects of Christianity (including the divinity f Jesus). They also understood the importance of faith, and made sure that everyone should have freedom to express their faith as the wished. To do this they made sure the state would have no power to endorse or promote a faith.