Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Science Tuesday, evolution and sexual orientation

As noticed by The Green Knight and others.

First a bit I am sure everyone has seen. Gay Men Respond Differently to Pheromones . Just more evidence that choice and homosexuality don't belong in the same sentence. Maybe one day the idea that anyone can a choice to be homosexual (or heterosexual) will die out. I never made the choice to be heterosexual. I don't know anyone, gay or straight, who every mad a choice about their sexual orientation. You are as god created you.


Darren Irwin has studied the Eurasian warblers and feels the evidence clearly shows split evolution. It is worth the read, and the best part is at the end

Since Darwin published Origin of Species in 1859, many religious leaders have gone to great lengths to convince the public that the concept of evolution is a theory, not a scientific fact. Their reasons for this are understandable: evolution stands in direct opposition to Biblical mythology. When I asked Darren Irwin whether his research had established evolution as a fact, his answer was enlightening:

Scientists are never able to completely prove any theory. Science is a process by which incorrect theories are shown to be incorrect, leaving us with the theories that are most consistent with the evidence.

The theory of evolution is one of the most successful theories ever, in the sense that it is highly consistent with abundant evidence. We understand the mechanisms by which evolution operates, and these mechanisms have actually been observed on short time scales. This establishes evolution as a more successful theory than the theory of gravitation. The theory of gravitation is also consistent with evidence, but we don't yet know how it works.

The theory of gravitation, however, does not contradict religious doctrine, and so is universally accepted.

Someone should get this story and a copy of "Why Intelligent Design Fails", and deliver them to the Kansas Kangaroo Court on the issue.


Jon said...

Very true... sorry :-D

PS, your take was fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for pointing out that science can't prove what is only demonstrate what isn't. Someday that will be common knowledge if enough repeat it.