Monday, May 23, 2005

The nuclear option is better than a poor compromise

I had hoped that the centrist of both parties could work out a reasonable deal. One where both sides could get a little of what they wanted. When they were talking approval of 4 or 5 of the 7 who are currently being considered, it appeared reasonable.

The latest rumors are that the current compromise would allow the approval of 6 of the current 7 contested nominations, and restrict the use of the filibuster to 'extreme circumstances'. The dems stop 1 poor choice as a judge, and get to keep the potential use of the filabuster, but only for the next 18 months. In return, they have to approve 6 judges, and at any time the Republicans could decide that any filibuster was being used outside the agreement, and then still vote it away.

The Democrats would be best served to walk away from that, and allow Frist to deploy his nuclear weapon on the Senate.

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