Monday, August 22, 2005

Bush is Busy Trying to Defend his Crime

Taking a break from his busy week of bike ridding, brush clearing, and hiding from bereaved parents, George is on the road this week to defend his illegal war of choice.

He again parrots his lie that this war will keep this nation safe from terrorism. Aside from the obvious issue that you can not defeat a tactic of conflict, he also makes this absurd statement.

The only way to defend to our citizens where we live is to go after the terrorists where they live

Small trouble here, and I will keep repeating it as long as he keeps telling this lie, there were no ties between Saddam and any terrorist who attacked us on Sept. 11th. They did have ties to Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt and other lands, but no ties to the Iraq.

So please quit telling that lie Mr. President.

One interesting point is the fact that Bush is now trying to use the length of the conflict as some form of excuse or rallying call;

Senior aides say Bush will attempt to portray the Iraq conflict in the context of long wars like World War II, which U.S. forces fought from 1941 to 1945.

If they do take this tack in this week of defending the war speeches, they are making a huge mistake. On December 7th, a nation of millions attacked the US. Japan's act of war was followed within days by their allies also declaring war upon the US. It took almost 4 years, but the US and it's Allies were able to totally overrun and destroy armies of millions on men and capture of kill all the leaders who attacked us.

On September 11th a small band of members of the Islamic Religious Right attacked the US. Since then the leaders of this band have been able to avoid capture, continue to attack the US and even expand their base of support.

in the span of 1,338 days between 1941-45 we were able to defeat three nations of hundreds of millions of people, and bring peace to the US. Bush has already used 1,442 days in this war of his choice. In that time he has not captured the ring leaders of those who attacked us. He has attacked another nation that had nothing to do with attacking us, and he has put us into a quagmire where our options become more limited as every day passes.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

As my aunt was musing last night, "I wonder how many other things he is going to screw up before his term is finally over?"