Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Is President Bush Loosing it?

File this under 'for what it's worth'

Buy beleaguered, overworked White House aides enough drinks and they tell a sordid tale of an administration under siege, beset by bitter staff infighting and led by a man whose mood swings suggest paranoia bordering on schizophrenia.

They describe a President whose public persona masks an angry, obscenity-spouting man who berates staff, unleashes tirades against those who disagree with him and ends meetings in the Oval Office with “get out of here!”

1 comment:

Lynne said...

I have felt all along that there was something not quite right about him. This point in our history reminds me of Nixon's instability during a time when we were mired in an unwinnable war.
It's deja vu all over again.