Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Teaching the Bible in Public School

is a task to tough to attempt.

The Bible could be taught in a religious studies class, but you have to stick to teaching it in a non dogmatic manner. I suspect that is not possible for the vast majority of programs. As example consider what will be taught in this Texas Program.

Chancey's review found that the course characterizes the Bible as inspired by God, that discussions of science are based on the biblical account of creation, that Jesus is referred to as fulfilling Old Testament prophecy, and that archaeological findings are erroneously used to support claims of the Bible's historical accuracy.

He said the course also suggests the Bible, instead of the Constitution, be considered the nation's founding document.

That doesn't appear to stick to a secular and academic approach, but it does sound a lot like missionary work.


Lynne said...

The religious fundamentalists in this country remind me so much of the Taliban. It has gotten to the point, for me, that the sight of fish or cross on someone's car provokes a negative feeling in me.
More and more I like John Lennon's song Imagine... "and no religion too".

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it, but I agree with lynne.

As long as things like this are allowed there can be no true religious freedom in this country.

Does anyone, for even one second, think the children of other religions (and I am certain there are some in this public school) are *enjoying* this class?

Anonymous said...


Yes, I'm sure the Christians are using force to drag young adults, kicking and screaming, to this obviously elective class in a university. Where's your sense of liberal tolerance?

Jon said...

Sorry Mom

This is a public highschool course, not university.

While elective, it is a direct violation of the 1st amendemnt, by theaching christnaity vs a historcial study of the bible (that would be legal, and is how this course is promoted)

Thanks for droping by, but you need to check your facts

Anonymous said...

gvbbymciI suspect you wewe about 20 years to late , you could have one of the flower childern of the sixties

Can't we all just get along?