Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Health insurance Cost Grow Faster Than Pay

This should shock no one, in Bush's economy, about everything outpaces pay, unless you are a CEO.

The cost of health insurance for working Americans climbed 9.2 percent this year, the lowest rate of increase since 2000 but still far outpacing both general inflation and workers' pay increases, according to a nationwide survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Of course outpacing pay isn't that hard, when personal income can not even keep up the base rate of inflation in the economy.

Education cost grow faster that pay, housing cost grow faster that pay, energy cost grow faster that pay, Medical cost grow faster that pay. For the working class of Americans, the cost of almost everything grows faster than their pay.

But at least in some areas we can still proudly cry, we are number 1.

Americans have always taken pride in breaking records - the longest bridge, the tallest building, a record harvest - and now we're at it again as records fall at a feverish pace.

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