Friday, September 09, 2005

Orwell Would Have Understood This

The Security arrangements for the cheer-leading festival devised by the pentagon to celebrate (remember?) 9/11 are astounding.

Organizers of the Pentagon's 9/11 memorial Freedom Walk on Sunday are taking extraordinary measures to control participation in the march and concert, with the route fenced off and lined with police and the event closed to anyone who does not register online by 4:30 p.m. today.

The march, sponsored by the Department of Defense, will wend its way from the Pentagon to the Mall along a route that has not been specified but will be lined with four-foot-high snow fencing to keep it closed and "sterile,"

and they do mean sterile

One restricted group will be the media, whose members will not be allowed to walk along the march route. Reporters and cameras are restricted to three enclosed areas along the route

You have to sign up in advance, you can not deviate from the course, you can not mix with those who have not followed the same path as you. Act alike, Dress alike, think alike, believe alike.

this whole concept is absurd, and has always felt like a way to promote the war in Iraq more that remember those harmed 4 years ago. These latest actions just demonstrate how much freedom we have lost in our effort to purchase security.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Will they hand out swastika armbands or do I have to buy my own?