Saturday, September 17, 2005

To Funny to Not Post

From Daily Kos

"Bush is to leadership what prairie brambles are to mobile surgery rooms."

"Intelligent Design is just creationism with aluminum siding on it."

"You could say the new Iraqi Constitution is going to be a bit short on rights for women. You could also say the Arctic in January is brisk."

"Bush says he doesn't want to play the "Blame Game." Makes sense. Never heard of a chicken who wanted to play the "Extra Crispy" game."

"The good news is, closed circuit videos in and around New Orleans have allowed us to identify the looters: Chevron, Shell, and ExxonMobil."

"Senator Rick Santorum thinks there should be tougher penalties on people who decide to ride Hurricanes out. I guess he means worse than drowning."

"As soon as New Orleans gets back to normal, I plan on volunteering to go down there and help drink their economy back on its feet."

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