Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A House (and Senate) Divided

and not the traditional Democrat vs Republican division. It is the GOP, in an intramural fight .

Congressional Republicans from across the ideological spectrum yesterday rejected the White House's open-wallet approach to rebuilding the Gulf Coast, a sign that the lockstep GOP discipline that George W. Bush has enjoyed for most of his presidency is eroding on Capitol Hill.


Congressional Republicans are not arguing with Bush's pledge that the federal government will lead the Louisiana and Mississippi recovery. But they are insisting that the massive cost -- as much as $200 billion -- be paid for. Conservatives are calling for spending cuts to existing programs, a few GOP moderates are entertaining the possibility of a tax increase, and many in the middle want to freeze Bush tax cuts that have yet to take effect.

At least a few of the republicans are acting in a responsible and mature manner. They clearly see the current situation, and know that not having a plan is just an invitation to run up the debt.

And that is just what Bush's plan appears to be. His whole life he has had Daddy and his friends with their big credit cards to bail him out. He never had to suffer the consequences of his choices and failures. A life time of shelter and privilege has trained him well.

Now he has the American public, and we will get to pay off the latest tab for his choices and errors.


Anonymous said...

they should all be ashamed of themselves!!!
They have shielded and supported this idiot that we have for a president.
It is time they remember that they work for the people of the US, NOT the president and his friends.

Lynne said...

It amazes me to see our government behaving in a fiscally irresponsible manner, yet slamming the door on individuals who do the same. "Do as I say, not as I do" doesn't work well with kids when parents say it. Same with citizens.

Anonymous said...

only politicians think there can be a free lunch. They have to face facts and find the money, not borrow it.