Friday, September 30, 2005

More Progress in Iraq

A couple of months ago the army and the administration proudly proclaimed that 3 of the 86 Iraqi battalions were ready to stand on their own.

Thursday they announced that the Iraqi army now has 1 battalion that can stand on it's own.

Gen. George W. Casey, who oversees U.S. forces in Iraq, said there are fewer Iraqi battalions at "Level 1" readiness than there were a few months ago. Although Casey said the number of troops and overall readiness of Iraqi security forces have steadily increased in recent months, and that there has not been a "step backwards,"

The message we get, the information we get, is so mixed up and so often contradictory it is clear that no one has a clear picture of what is happening. When no clear picture exist, chaos has become the reality, and by no stretch of the imagination can chaos be considered success.

We will be trapped in a civil war if we don't move very quickly to get out of the cross fire.


General Richard B. Myers was on CNN this morning, and if he truly believes what he was saying he is either grossly uninformed or just dumb. There is also that option that he too is just another political hack, this time in uniform.

He actually said he that no one thinks Iraq is sinking into civil war.


Bush Misleads on Progress in Iraq
President Bush, 9/28/05:

At this moment, more than a dozen Iraqi battalions have completed training and are conducting anti-terrorist operations in Ramadi and Fallujah. More than 20 battalions are operating in Baghdad. And some have taken the lead in operations in major sectors of the city. In total, more than 100 battalions are operating throughout Iraq. Our commanders report that the Iraqi forces are operating with increasing effectiveness.

Associated Press, 9/29/05:

The number of Iraqi battalions capable of combat without U.S. support has dropped from three to one, the top American commander in Iraq told Congress Thursday.

From Think Progress.

So, what is the truth?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is my last comment of the life, b/c as I said before, I will never return to your site.

Anyway, I will make this short since you are too close-minded to listen anyway...these two statements are only contradictory if you don't know anything about warfighting or the military, which you have already established in painful detail.

Dude, do us all a favor and stay out of the war are really ill-informed, and other ill-informed people may actually believe you. The result is an even greater disparity of understanding warfare b/w military and civil societies in the U.S. than we already have. Even if you influence one, it will be one more misled U.S. citizen.