Friday, August 18, 2006

Another Midland Blogger Hits The Big Time

Tim Kelly, of Crack the Bell, has followed the footsteps of Ron Shealy, and has a commentary in The State today.

Only a newspaper columnist could see Joe Lieberman’s selfish decision to seek election this November as an independent as the first blow in a courageous battle to break political gridlock.

Just as the U.S. secretary of State somehow views the carnage in northern Israel and Lebanon as “the birth pangs of a New Middle East,” Brad Warthen and David Brooks see the repudiation of Lieberman by his party as the glorious dawning of a third way in American politics.

Congratulations Tim, but don't you dare follow Ron all the way and close your Blog.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I didn't blog, I'd have to work, so I'm sticking around. Thanks for the plug.