Friday, August 11, 2006

Building The Strawman

Thursday, our esteemed president spouted this foolishness:

"It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the United States of America."

I wonder if there is a single person over the age of 10 who doesn't accept this.

Mr. President, the question is not 'is there a threat', but is what you are doing making matters better or worse.

Last summer's London bombings were carried out by locals. They were not inspired by pan-Islamic dreams, but by anger over the US and UK actions in Iraq and Palestine. The early read on the group implicated in the current case seems to headed in the same direction.

So Mr. President, when people oppose your dumber and more dangerous ideas, it doesn't mean that the don't think there is a threat, it is because they think that your actions will make matters worse, not better.

and one other minor point:

The recent arrests that our fellow citizens are now learning about are a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists

Drop the Islamic fascists bit, it further exposes your stupidity. I will let Bob explain why.



Anonymous said...

this is a strawman issue, when a north easter congressman or senator or one of same from allie says minimum wage hike for low wage earner or media blitz on same subject, you have a strawman issue, why, they want to tax the sh-t out of your -ss. a strawman issue is used to get the thing you want the real objective here to increase taxes and do so to the wages of every taxpayer in the us by inflating the dollar and enriching banks, insurance corporations, any organization loaning money to the government.

Anonymous said...

This further goes to show you we should just get rid of Passports. Those people couldnt get a forgery to travel the day before they Bomb a plane. Just not possible. Besides we are wasting tax dollars keeping people out. Voting Democrats to be certain. We need those people here. We can now make Cuba the 51st state while we are at it, Their leader is almost dead.

Anonymous said...


do either of these make any sense?