Thursday, September 01, 2005

FEMA is Getting Heat, and it Will Radiate to the White House

The stress of the last 48 hours on the Gulf Coast is being played out on the Cable News Networks. The disaster declaration, that on Sunday was being praised for being made prior to the occurrence of the disaster, raised hope of quick and effective response.

Bush abruptly called reporters to his ranch Sunday morning to make a statement about Hurricane Katrina as it inched toward the Gulf Coast states. The message: that Bush was ahead of the storm and would be there to respond to its certain devastation.

The support to this event has been neither. Local government are unable to offer even a minimum amount of protection and aid and appear livid about a lack of federal support. Question ring out, why are there not more Guard forces in the area to help the police and emergency services. Why are emergency repairs are not being made as expected, where are the supplies, and why is the communication in the effected areas nonexistent. There are hard questions being asked of FEMA, the Military and the Corp of Engineers, and their answers are not being well received. Even the Presidents decision to cut short his 5 week vacation has been mentioned with well deserved derision.

At least the press is at last getting wiser to the nature of the Bush administration. The White House has been caught making conflicting claims, and for a change it is getting attention.

Over the last month, administration officials have deflected criticism of Bush's monthlong stay at his Texas ranch by making the case that technology has made it possible for Bush to run the country from anywhere.


"When you're president, you're president 24/7," White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan told reporters Wednesday.

So why is Bush going back to Washington now? When asked yesterday what Bush could do in Washington for hurricane relief that he couldn't do from his Texas ranch, McClellan told reporters no less than five times that it was the president's "preference" to return to the White House. Asked if the decision was more "symbolic" than logistical, McClellan said, "I disagree with the characterization."

Of course the real reason for the dash to DC is public relations. August has given us high gas prices, bloody combat in Iraq, and a grieving mother that has kept the President in hiding. Bush needs a positive distraction, and hopes he can spin this his way.

it's a chance for him to look presidential and to briefly turn public attention from a troubled war to the homefront. Already, the White House has promised to send billions of dollars in aide to the affected region, and tapping into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is expected to shave a few cents off record-high gas prices.

How the Bush administration is able to respond in the next few days, if they can speed up the flow of aid and support that is still not currently in place, will play a major roll in determining the future of his approval ratings. The citizens of the effected areas are now scattered across 7 states. In addition the energy echo is now being felt in more places. Gas lines in Atlanta to buy $6.00 gas. Airlines concerned that they may have to cancel some flight due to fuel shortages

For many, the absence of help, aid or support is leading to a collapse of hope. The administration, by trying to claim credit for an early declaration of emergency, now has to pay the price for, what has been to date, an ineffective response.


Anonymous said...

When will this President step up and lead? These poor souls along the Gulf coast are desperate for someone to take command of this horrible situation and provide some HOPE that they will make it through. Right now, they do not know where their next sip of water or bite of food will come from. Moreover, the powers that be at the federal level seem to be playing their usual game of lip service and passing the buck. Meanwhile the rest of the country is suffering from obscene increases in the price of fuel. We are taking a cut in pay just to make it to work. What happens this winter when we need to heat our homes? We could face another disaster of epic proportion when people are freezing to death because they cannot afford home heating oil. Someone remind me how the Iraqi war was supposed to free up oil for the US?! This country is in dire need of a LEADER now!

Anonymous said...

Even the Manchester Paper, a very conserative paper, blasted the President for his lack of leadership. He has to step up or maybe step down.