Monday, September 05, 2005

New Orleans destroyed, but millionaires Get Tax Cut

Despite the disaster in the Gulf States, and the absolute failure of the federal government to provide effective support, Bill Frist thinks aiding the very rich is so important that he will push this tax cut forward asap.

Senate Finance Committee members were informed this morning that Sen. Bill Frist will move forward with a vote to permanently repeal the estate tax next week, likely on Tuesday, ThinkProgress has learned.

Good idea. We have a huge deficit, a almost incomprehensible debt, a failing war, and a major city destroyed. It makes perfect sense to make sure the millionaires in our society get the 3rd or 4th major tax cut in the last 5 years.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

We all need to contact our senators and tell them what we think. I did, although in South Carolina that won't mean much.