Sunday, September 04, 2005

Iraqi Weapons Were Destroyed in 1991, and we Knew

What the U.N., American and other debriefers learned from Kamel led to headline-making successes for U.N. inspectors as they tracked down banned arms-making gear inside Iraq.

But an interrogation transcript shows he told them something else as well, something they questioned and kept to themselves: All Iraqi WMD were destroyed in 1991.

And despite the fact that the defector who told us this was telling us the truth about other items, we decided to not be believe this was true. The whole thing is a must read.

Most damning, the administration declined to tell the American public this, instead they spun a web lies that led to our attack on Iraq.

This story, along with the Downing Street Memos, and the other bits and pieces that are coming out clearly paint a picture of deception being used by the administration to spin up passion and support for an illegal war.

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