Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Right is Circling the Wagons Over Katrina

A number of pundents and politicians are saying now is not the time to try to Monday Morning Quarterback, and defending the administration (or blaming those who need rescue). They rightly point out that we have time to do that later.

My question is why wait?

Does discussing the failings that have occurred in any way delay the rescue efforts? Does it delay reconstruction? Does it prevent anyone doing their part to help out?

No, not in any way.

The Blog, It Affects You, considers this question. They look at past history and see what happens when you don't ask hard questions and just rally around in blind support, and they come to this conclusion:
So to any Conservative hacks out there who want me to stop "politicizing the hurricane,"I understand what you really mean is you want me to stop trying to prevent Bush and his cohorts from politicizing the hurricane. But it' not going to happen. Bush isn't going to be getting a free ride this time.

They are right, by not questioning the failures that have occurred, we are infact excusing them, and allowing them to be perceived as successful when the reality appears to be just the opposite.

So lets look at the Mess that New Orleans has become. We have to start in the past to get the bigger picture. Why did the city flood in the first place, and did me take the proper steps to prevent this.

It was well known that the hurricane defense in the city was built up to only protect from a category 3 or weaker storm. Since 2000 the efforts to build up this protection have been under-funded.
Since 2001, the Army Corps has requested $496 million for that project but the Bush administration only budgeted $166 million,


Another project designed to shore up defenses along Lake Pontchartrain was similarly underfunded, as the administration budgeted $22 million of the $99 million requested by the Corps between 2001 and 2005.

Of course, under funding of important projects is a normal state of affairs in all governmental business. What is tragic here is why these projects were under funded.

2003, the flow of federal dollars toward SELA [Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project] dropped to a trickle. The [Army Corps of Engineeers] never tried to hide the fact that the spending pressures of the war in Iraq, as well as homeland security; coming at the same time as federal tax cut; was the reason for the strain.

SO, these projects were not finished because Bush wanted to make sure Paris Hilton got millions in tax cuts and he could fight his illegal war.

Of course, the war in Iraq has added to the suffering in New Orleans in a manner that, while expected, is still tragic. Those who in normal times would be the first to respond in such a disaster, are stuck over 7,000 miles from home.

7,000 soldiers from the Louisiana and Mississippi National Guard are stationed in Iraq. They include more than 3,000 members of the 256th Brigade Combat Team, a unit Some based in and around New Orleans.

Those soldiers, who represent 40% of Mississippi's and 35% ofLouisiana's regular Guard strength, were forced to watch helplessly from their barracks in Iraq the past few days as the hurricane swept through their neighborhoods and threatened their families.

Quite simply, the two states hardest hit by this storm were handicapped from the start by not having enough Guard units and military equipment like trucks, Humvees and helicopters on the ground to handle the crisis.

So, how is the Bush administration responding? With spin, and as Outside the Tent says, with a Carnival of Lies. This detachment from reality is best summed up by the current situation at the convention center. First our director of homeland security, Michael Chertoff, who when presented evidence of a body of people needing help, first refused to accept the news, and then we see the director of FEMA who was totally unaware that the convention center was a hurricane shelter with thousands in dire shape.

This is a fiasco, that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds if not more, that some are still refusing to admit they played a part in creating. There are a number of other questions that will have to be answered, and I hope people will look at.

How did the Police Department fall apart so quickly?

Why were so many of the poor not offered viable evacuation options prior to the storms arrivial?

Why did it take 3 days to get food and water to the collection points in the city?

These are the one that came to mind first, but I know that these will be followed by hundreds more. As noted in NSNBC, this is a Colossal Failure of Leadership. The Mayor has had it with the failures of those tasked to give support ( a audio file of the mayor can be found here) , members of the media have had it with those who have failed to provide support. Maybe now the support that should have been in place Wednesday will arrive by Saturday.


Lynne said...

I'm about to stroke out, I'm so angry with this bunch of nincompoops. Maybe we should have put the media in charge. They are able to communicate with each other. They know where the people are, where the trouble spots are. And, most of all, they seem to be genuinely interested in getting help to these people!


Anonymous said...

More power to Eleanor Clift! So few journalists seems to voice out the feelings of most Americans.

It's unfortunate that we have a President who has fumbled his job so much, that he is helpless to come quickly to the rescue of the sick, hungry, thirsty and dying in New Orleans. Instead of declaring a national emergency and ordering the military we still have in the US to pour their resources in rescuing the people in New Orleans, he focuses on fund-raising by calling two ex-presidents to help him. Rescue the desperate people in New Orleans first! They need food and water and transportation out of the Superdome, they don't need money right now. They can't eat or drink the money that this inept President is focusing on. Now, after many people have died, he goes on a tour for a photo op.

Anonymous said...

The question arises as to whether the president is upholding his duties to care for American citizens when he takes a few days to order help for American people. Ironically, a number of European countries volunteered to send supplies and barges to New Orleans and said they could do it in only a few hours. ( There's a huge problem when we can fund and put more emphasis on an illegal war (the war is in violation of domestic and international laws) more than in saving and helping people in our own country. How long did it take troops to get to and attack Iraq? It took only a few hours after commanded. It should have taken the same amount of time or less for American troops to get to New Orleans from Texas military bases or any of the other military bases in the United States. The point is the commander-in-chief had to order it. So what took him so long to give the command to save American people? What exactly does it take to compel the president of a country that citizens need aid immediately following a natural disaster? It doesn't take much for anyone with a good conscience to order such aid ESPECIALLY when that is the job you were HIRED for. I believe the Campaign's for America's Future ( said it best, "Hurricane Katrina exposed an uncaring face of a government that does not believe in its basic role. Americans are expressing our shock and disgust with an Administration that failed to adequately mobilize to help the largely poor and minority communities of the Gulf Coast. We strongly protest this administration's shortchanging of Homeland Security and disaster preparedness needs..." If Bush wants to keep his job he needs to do his job. It's time to talk about impeaching Bush. He has violated his duties far too many times and we the American people have let him get away with it. This can't go on any longer. I'm waiting to see what political nonsense they will come up with next to remove attention from their lack of professionalism in performing their duties and lack of compassion for the American people.

Anonymous said...

Bravo !! It would be great if the poor in the Gulf Coast region can file a Wrongful Death claim. There should be thousands.
Bush & entourage have shown their true colors. So much for "compassionate conservatism." An oxymoron at best.

Anonymous said...

the avowed goal of this ideological administation fueled by 'christian' fundamentalism and hard right scrooge economic practices is to cut taxes for rich folks and strip down the part of government that takes care of it's own people.

the erosion has been going on for 25 years, since raygun. trillions for nuclear space based missile defense but slashing human services.

this president should be impeached for starting an illegal uneccessary war. lying to the american people for the reasons for that war and for the outrageous dysfunction of government services at a time we needed them most in new orleans. this government is responsible for thousands of deaths and untold misery. Fixing our infrastructure and human services are low on the list of priorities for the death cult that occupies the white house. Bush is a punk. a silver spooned, cocaine snorting alcoholic who's got religion. He's a national disgrace and disaster and has no business at all in the oval office.

Anonymous said...

So even natural disasters are Bush's fault? When was the last time all the levies broke? How many hurricanes have come and gone through Louisiana and amounted to "crying wolf?" Oh, but, of course, it's Bush's fault. Absoultely pathetic! Bush could sleepwalk a better leader than any of you God-hating fools. Get a life people!

Anonymous said...

So even natural disasters are Bush's fault?

Of course not, no one can ye control a storm. As the President, It is the response he is accountable for.

When was the last time all the levies broke? How many hurricanes have come and gone through Louisiana and amounted to "crying wolf?" Oh, but, of course, it's Bush's fault.

New Orleans has been blessed by storms missing it, but that doesn't mean that people didn't know the danger. The storm defenses were built to protect to a cat 3 storm. 80% of the funding to upgrade this to a cat 5 protection was cut by the BUSH administration. It is not his fault the storm hit, it is his fault that the defesnses were not in place to protect.

Making the action make you responsable, it is that simple

Absoultely pathetic! Bush could sleepwalk a better leader than any of you God-hating fools. Get a life people!

Just because you, like those at jonestown, choose to drink the koolaid doesn't mean we have to.

Bush made the choice to fill the top 3 FEMA positions with party hacks and not professionals. Bush made the choice to send the guard units who would respond to this emergency to Iraq. Bush made the choice to give millionairs huge tax cuts inpart by stripping funding for levee improvement. Those actions have come home to roost

Anonymous said...

"Unecessary war?!?" The terrorists have declared 'holy war' on America, and the Jew. The real issue is the question of which side you're on, the freedom loving and benevolent Christians and Jews (Christians have given us freedom of religion - you punk), or the REAL intolerant who want to force you to become Muslim or die? If that is not 'nuanced' enough for your politically-correct mindset that is a shame, and completely pathetic! It is as simple as that. You prefer politically motivated lies to compassionate conservatism which is built on self-reliance and accountability, anything else is enslaving. Get educated. But first check your motivation. Then filter out the easy politically-motivated lies you democrats pander in, then find a reliable source for America's great heritage, and learn it. Choose.

Anonymous said...

You mean "professional" like the people the Clinton administration hired after firing all conservatives in good standing? A bunch of Christian-hating fools out to 'get even' with conservatives for telling the truth about them: a bunch of left-wing hacks with the priorities of bitter, jealous, insecure, foolish children. You would have thought Christians were Enemy #1 (well, they were basically). So that is your example of "professional?" Every time you democrats get a chance to prove yourselves (perpetually)you show your true colors. Sorry for noticing. Oh, so Christian teachings are that of Jim Jones? You are either ignorant, or a misleading liar with obvious self-serving motives(sex). Did I put too fine a point on that? Good. You need some clairity.

Jon said...

I am removing the last two comments for being abusive and off topic.

Anonymous is ill informed, angry and highly defensive, so some leeway can be given, but I hope for civility from posters on this board.

and Mr and or Mrs Anonymous, if you would note these post date back 5 or so days, this board doesnt' have high turnover, many folks visit once a day, no one was running away, they just had not seen your post.

Anonymous said...

Some people in Houston are politically-motivated-race-baiters and really ignorant... So what's your point?

Jon said...

and now to other points.

We had to fight in Afganistan (this is a necessary war), the war in Iraq was totally unnecessary and sold to the people of this nation by lie from the administration.

as far as 'get educated', I also make the same recomendation. I think you sould spend some serious time reading this and the other blogs linked to it. There is the odd chance that you cluld learn something other that what Rush and Hannity tell you.

asboyt herritage, I hope you are not trying to lie about us having a christian heritage.

Being an active member of a chruch, and a christian, I must advise you lying is a sin.

Many of our founding fathers were deist. That perior od time was an age of reason, noting the rise of science and the decline of mystic faith.

as to professionals, I suspect that our nation has thousands who are qualified to do the job. I think that even you would agree, a show horse judge official, a PR expert and a politicial operative are not in that list of thousands.

Anonymous said...

I am highly offend by people who assume because one is a liberal and/or a democrat that one is not a Christian. My father was a Presbyterian minister and I have been very devoted to my faith and my church for 57 years. I neither hate people on the left or the right. I'm a liberal Democrat. I do find too many right conservative Christians (even in my own church) doing a great deal of judging of others when they have a political opinion that differs from their far right ideology. No one has a corner on faith. Judge not,least ye be judged. Unfortunately, it seems many who found it patriotic to critize the Democrats when they were the administration now find it disloyal to do so when Republicans are in the White House. Hypocritical. Isn't everyone in a democracy entitled to an opinion. Some bloogers indicated blaming Bush is unfair as he did not create the hurricane. This must be a logical disconnect if people are excusing Bush on the grounds he did not create the hurricane. No one remotely ever indicated he was to blame for the hurricane. Is the fire chief to blame if your house catches fire? No, but he sure is to blame if he is in charge and doesn't show up to put out the fire.

Anonymous said...

In the current climate, being "Christian" and following Christ are not necessarily the same thing. Christ taught to first look at one's own sin before worrying about another's sin. Conservative Christians such as "anonymous" are all about condeming others and denying their own sin. In the conservative Christian worldview, to point out the failings of the public/political face of Christianity is to be Christian hating. To try to put a brake on the right-wing Christians attempt at national dominance is to be Christian hating. Christ would be the first one to defend a person's right to believe as he wishes. When confronted with people who did not want to listen to his message, did he use government resources to spread his message? No. He basically said "shake the dust off your heels" and go on to the next town (paraphrased). In other words, don't sweat it and move on. And finally, compare the actions and attitudes of right-wing Christians. Do they most resemble the poor and powerless that flocked to Jesus, the sinners who admitted their inadequacy before God (as did the Tax Collector praying in the temple)? Or, do they most resemble the proud, self-righteous Pharisee who prayed "Thank God, I am not a sinner like everyone else, especially that tax collector over there! For I never cheat, I don't commit adultery, I go without food twice a week, and I give to God a tenth of everything I earn." The tax collector admitted before God he was a sinner and prayed for mercy. Jesus said "I tell you, this sinner, not the Parisee, returned home forgiven! What else did Jesus say about Pharisees? "Woe to you, Pharisees, and you other religious leaders. Hypocrites! pretend to be holy, with all your long, public prayers in the streets, while you are evicting widows from their homes. Hypocrites!...For you tithe down to the last mint leaf in your garden, but ignore the important things--justice and mercy and faith. Yes, you should tithe, but you shouldn't leave the MORE IMPORTANT THINGS UNDONE. (emphasis added). The public/political face of Christianity today is one of hate, bigotry and domination. It is the antithesis of Christ's teaching. Personally, as a progressive, I follow Christ, not the Christian church.