Friday, July 29, 2005

Friday's places to visit.

Click over and read up, it will be worth your time.

Over on American Street they have some inside information on Jean Schmidt, who is busy smearing her foe in the race for Ohio's district two congressional seat. Also drop by and learn more about Paul Hacket who is doing an amazing job in one of the most republican districts in the Nation.

Deacon Tim over at Sacraments Wholesale looks at Sam Harris and his book 'The End of Faith'.

From the Faithful Progressive a look at Bolton and how Fox handled that latest revelation of his lie.

The Green Knight considers when Roe goes

I -didn't leave the Republican Party, it left me declairs Badtux the Snarky Penguin.

And for those interesting in the ongoing issues of the Episcopal Church, visit Fr. Jake and his look at CAPAC; Justifying Criminal Actions.

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