Monday, July 11, 2005

Romans 1 and Homosexuality

A very good look at what Romans 1 really says about homosexulaity.

One would think that with the vehemence with which they press their case, that the Religious Right would have entire books of the Scripture which addressed homosexuality at their disposal from which to draw their core arguments. But there is actually a paucity of biblical texts that even mention same-sex activities, and none of them are useful for drawing public policy conclusions. The story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is certainly one of the fundamentalist’s favorite, belief in the Old Testament itself makes it clear that the primary sin of the two cities was inhospitality towards the needy (Ezek. 16:49). The passages in Leviticus are generally disregarded even by conservatives, because they are imbedded in what scholars call the Holiness Code of biblical law, which does not apply to Gentiles outside of the land of Israel. They include provisions for the death penalty for those who engage in same-sex practice, which all but the theocrats on the Religious Right would reject. There are a couple other alleged references in lists found in 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy which conservative biblical translations recklessly translate as “homosexuals” and “sodomites,” but five minutes with a concordance and a Greek lexicon will demonstrate that this is simply bias masquerading as scholarship.

HT to I am a Christian too

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff there