Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Interesting Perceptions on Reality

Every day we hear so many on the Right denounce the US media for slanted reporting of the situation on Iraq. The scream and cry that the 'good news' isn't reported, and the US media is presenting a distorted and negative view.

I have to ask, have they even bothered to read the International media?

The work of the British, Australian, and New Zealand press (etc) make it appear that the US media, who the right are denouncing, are closer to cheerleaders for the war effort than impartial media.

In you want to get real reporting you almost have to look to the overseas media to get a story that has any depth, perspective, and impact. Unfortunately the story presented in the UK, and Australia, and Italy, and Germany and France and the Middle East countries is also depressing. It presents a much less positive view of the situation than the US media ever appears to consider.


The US media is presenting and distorted and negative view of the war, just ask those on the right.


Anonymous said...

I know, the non US papers are so much better.

Jes said...

I think it falls on the basis of third party. Although these countries are involved, we championed the need to go to war, and continue to dominate in numbers the forces that are fighting it. The US is all owned by special interests and personal bias for one side or the other, while foreign and independent media have no alliances or reason to appease anyone. The US/MSM are in no way reporting on what is really going on over there, and make no move to hold their feet to the fire and report on the attrocities. Yes progress is made, but when faced with a positive note or a soldier death, which deserves attention and reporting over the other. All in all, with the evidence that mounts, we see that the MSM no longer has the ability to mount credible journalism or report on more than one story per day.