Friday, October 14, 2005

A Collection of Interesting Reading

At American Entrophy takes a look at a Bush Teleconference (propaganda Event) and the resulting tapdance poor ol scottie was forced to do. For those with Broad Band, crooks and liars has the video.

Army accounting is the focus of the Washington Post, and it is clear that the army if full of compassionate conservatives.

At Fr. Jake, a look at the homophobic nature of the church.

The Rev. Dobson's backtracking, and how it isn't applicable is noted at Outside the Tent.

Over at J.A.B.B.S, they point out the gross hypocrisy of some. Brilliant at Breakfast has a slightly different twist to the Same Topic

How do you judge success? Sisyphus Shrugged point to what may be a flaw in Gen. Abizaid system.

1 comment:

eric said...

i read that pay story earlier today. unbelievable.
