Sunday, October 23, 2005

Remember Bush's Recent Claims About Success

in his war on a battle tactic?

Well as many suspected it was a touch overblown.

Intelligence officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the White House overstated the gravity of the plots by saying that they had been foiled, when most were far from ready to be executed. Others noted that the nation's color-coded threat index was not raised from yellow, or "elevated" risk of attack, to orange, or "high" risk, for most of the time covered by the incidents on the list.


"It's safe to say that most of the [intelligence] community doesn't think it's worth very much."

As expected, this is less about facts and more about propaganda. The goal is to sell the war, and build up his approval numbers, not to tell the truth to the people of this nation.

In other words, another lie.

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