Sunday, October 16, 2005

Miller Speaks, and it is Disgusting

Editor an Publisher has some coverage of the Judith Miller coverage in the New York Times.

One part that is stunning is it's lack of honesty and contrition in her response to being a shill for the Bush administration's call to war.

For the first time this clearly, Miller, in Saturday's article, admits, "WMD--I got it totally wrong," but then goes on to say that "all" of the other journalists, and experts and analysts, also were wrong. "I did the best job I could," she said.

I just hope someone will point out to Judy the stories and reports from other more honest journalist who did question validity of the WMD claims. In truth Judith Miller was a cheerleader for war, not simply a reporter.

The article reveals, also for the first time, that Keller took her off Iraq and weapons issues after he became editor in July 2003. Nevertheless, he admits, "she kept drifting on her own back into the national security realm," making one wonder who was in charge of her.

And the actions of her editor, and how she responded to add further evidence of her strong desire to promote war.


Anonymous said...

She should be fired.
The NY Times will have a big crediblity problem if they keep her on.
No way are people going to buy that she forgot who told her, for god's sake, she had 2 months to think of nothing else!

eric said...

a blight on journalism. i hate it.
