Friday, October 28, 2005

Some Online Stories Worth The Time

political terms, and the proper application will be discussed at The Green Knight.

Newsweek has a look at the divisions in the GOP exposed by the Miers nomination.

Over at Body and Soul the is confusion about the 'new' math.

The latest on the Dover, Intelligent Design trial is up at The Panda's Thumb. It appears that former school board member William Buckingham, and ID supporter, has been caught telling a lie, under oath.

and, MyDD has a round up of the evidence that the White House Withheld Iraq Intelligence From The Senate.


Anonymous said...

That Dover trail is destroying ID God that would be fun to be watching live.

Full Metal Attorney said...

If you want to know about the real issue with ID, look here.

Jon said...

Thanks for the visit kelly, but you do miss a very important point in your thesis.

Gravity can be countered under that standards that you define. Do you propose a 'theory of intelligent falling' should be taught along with ID?

The 'scientific' supproters of ID are being killed in this case. Their arguments. While Evolution is still a theory (as are a great number of other scientific ideas), it is also greatly supported by testing.

ID is philosophy, not science.

Science only trys to establish the how, philosophy and religion focus on the why.

leave ID in philosophy class, where it does belong.

Full Metal Attorney said...

I do not disagree with you. My point was to identify the issues and give a brief analysis of them.
You're probably right. Science doesn't try to mess with religion, so religion shouldn't try to mess with science.
Some people, however, think that science does try to mess with religion, so they feel compelled to mess back.