Thursday, October 13, 2005

Global Warming, It's Getting Hotter

New global temperature data is indicating that 2005 is on track to be the hottest ever on record.

This should surprise no one.

When this issue first came up, those who denied global warming argued that there was no such thing. Over the last decade or so this argument has been forced to change. Global Warming can no longer be denied, the current data is overwhelming, so instead of claiming it doesn't exist, they argue that it is just a natural cycle.

And since it is a natural cycle, we don't have to do or change anything.

This position, claiming that there is no human aspect of global warming, is very effective at freezing public action. This argument forces the debate into scientific details and concepts, a subject many can not or do not want to understand. Now that those who deny the existence of global warming have planted a seed of confusion, the resulting inertia assures that little will be done.

The fact that the Arctic is melting like a snow cone on the 4th of July, or that nation sized sections of permafrost in Siberia is melting, the first time since if formed 11,000 years ago., make no difference. Since the issue has been forced outside easy understanding, it is now easy to ignore.

There is now some debate that we may have reached a tipping point, passed the point of no return.

Just another reason to do nothing.

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