Monday, October 31, 2005

New Nominee Selected

This one does have a paper trail, and it is ugly.

Legal experts consider the 55-year-old Alito so ideologically similar to Justice Antonin Scalia that he has earned the nickname "Scalito."

In 1991, in one of his more well-known decisions, he was the only dissenting voice in a 3rd Circuit ruling striking down a Pennsylvania law that required women to notify their husbands if they planned to get an abortion.

The religious right will love this selection, and that was the point. They have proven that they own this White House, and expect Bush to do their bidding.

and he has.

1 comment:

BadTux said...

Alito the Hun. Views women as chattel to be raped and pillaged as desired by their husbands. Lovely.

- Badtux the Disgusted Penguin