Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Second Stealth Nominee Exposed

at least her views on abortion are now out in the open.

Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers pledged support in 1989 for a constitutional amendment banning abortions except when necessary to save the life of the mother, according to material given to the Senate on Tuesday.

As a candidate for the Dallas city council, Miers also signaled support for the overall agenda of Texans United for Life agreeing she would support legislation restricting abortions if the Supreme Court ruled that states could ban abortions and would participate in pro-life rallies and special events.

Bush's people have worked very hard to try to keep this information hidden. It worked very well with Roberts, but in Mires case they have slipped. In the effort to keep the religious right in line Bush people hosted a conferencence call with several leaders of the religious right and a couple of Texas Judges who confirmed that Mires will vote to end Roe.

two members of the Texas judiciary who stated she'd move to overturn Roe v. Wade if confirmed. The participants included the Rev. Donald Wildmon of the American Family Association, Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Gary Bauer of American Values, Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation and the Rev. Bill Owens, a black minister, and Justice Nathan Hecht of the Texas Supreme Court and Judge Ed Kinkeade, a Dallas-based federal trial judge.

So while Bush is busy lying, claiming he doesn't know about Mires stand on abortion, he is also trying to quietly assure his religious right wing activists that she will stay in lock step. What is truly amazing is the strong desire they have to hide this piece of information, that they claim they are proud of.


From Think Progress.

Harriet Miers May Oppose Right to Contraception

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