Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Level Of Rioting Is In Decline

While things are much better in Paris,

In Paris, a ban on public meetings has ended, with no reports of unrest.

Police overnight said the situation across France was "much calmer" than on previous nights. More than 370 cars were burned overnight, down from 502 the previous night. A further 212 people were arrested.

France is still far from peaceful with major rioting in Lyon.

PARIS, Nov. 12 -- Dozens of youths threw trash cans at police and attacked sidewalk shops in a main square of Lyon on Saturday night in the first clash between rioters and police in a city center after more than two weeks of violence in France, according to news reports.


eric said...

john, i wanted to mention to you. you should go see "good night, and good luck." you know, that film on edward r. murrow vs. mccarthy.

pretty cool.

how about them gamecocks?!


Jon said...

Eric, I plan on seeing it after football season.

glad you droped by, and kepp up the good work, and yes, the cocks are doing well.

it's a nice change