Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Another Question

Just what the heck is the Homosexual agenda.

Google comes up with 1,680,000 responses. Many there denounce it, but I haven't seen one that actually bothered to define it.

I have edited this to keep it on the top for awhile, to see if anyone can answer this simple question.


Anonymous said...

It is simple.

Their agenda is to be treated as equals. Human Rights.

Jon said...

But, how do Cchristians define the holosexual agenda?

They use thet phrase a lot, but seem to never define what the agenda is.

What are they actually claiming to fight against?

kc said...

You know. To make homosexuality mandatory.

nffcnnr said...

The Christian definition of the so-called homosexual agenda: Gays want to steal our bibles (ALL gays are godless heathens); sexually assault our children (ALL gays are kiddie diddlers); walk around naked at all times (cuz they're ALL so flamboyant); and have sex with animals (Rick "Man On Dog" Santorum said so). Oh yeah, up is down, black is white, guns don't kill people, W is smart, everything in the Bible is 100% true, and Saddam has WMDs that he used to attack us on 9/11.

geebrooke said...

Okay, but let's not yet cede the term "Christian" to the group we're talking about.

At least a very sizable minority, and perhaps a majority, of Christians worldwide would not want to identify themselves with the Santorums and Falwells etc.

"Christian right," "anti-gay Christians," or some such, please.

Jon said...

I agree, they do not represent christianity as I practice it, but they do lay claim to the title, and socitey at large tends to view them as the represenitive of Christanity.

CJ Porter said...

Whenever I hear someone from the anti-gay goons saying, "homosexual agenda" I figure they mean the right for gays to marry. By extension, that includes benefits for spouses, the right to be parents, and other various protections under the law (not being barred from the hospital room of a dying spouse, being able to make decisions for an incapacitated spouse, inherit property, etc.)

Jon said...

As evil as the Christian Right make the 'homosexual ageda' sound, if it is defined as manting the right to marry (and only that), the gay community would be wise to embrace and co-op the term.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

How about this from Sen. Coburn for mind-numbing hate speech?:

MR. RUSSERT: But voicing his opinion, as he did there on gay rights, you recall in the campaign back in Rogers County, when you made comments like this, telling a group of local Republicans that-- "[Coburn] told a meeting of local Republicans that `the gay community has infiltrated the very centers of power. They are the greatest threat, that agenda is the greatest threat to our freedom we face today.'"


Hmm, no wonder we are loosing the war in Iraq and the war on terror.

How can gays be a threat to "our" freedoms when they don't even have the freedom to marry whom ever they choose?!

Anonymous said...

It's simple, those awful homosexuals want to recruit our children to do such abnormal activities as:

- marrying the person they choose
- sharing a life insurance policy with their spouse
- visiting their hospitalized loved ones without a ton of hassle
- raising a family if they choose
- having equal right
- having sex
- living in safety
- having freedome from job discrimination
- being judged by who they are, not by their sexual orientation

The homosexual agenda is really quite shocking and I think those religious nuts should stamp out such unAmerican activities before more innocent children are taught to be tolerant!