Thursday, November 03, 2005

Europe To Air US Dirty Laundry?

It appears that our secret prison system may soon be a be a little less secret. The EU plans on investigating what our congress will not or can not look into.

"We have to find out what is exactly happening. We have all heard about this, then we have to see if it is confirmed."

He said such prisons could violate EU human rights laws and other European human rights conventions, and as the watchdog to ensure EU rules are properly adhered to the Commission would look into the issue.

The sad part is; Our nation's actions should be right enough, should be legal enough, should be moral enough, to stand review in the light of day. The secrecy involved makes it clear that out leaders know in their black little hearts that what they are involved in is, at least to some extent, wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh god, this will be very embarrassing