Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Presidents Chruch Call For Iraq Withdraw

The church that both the President and the Vice President claim to be members of has voted to call for withdraw od US troops from Iraq.

"As people of faith, we raise our voice in protest against the tragedy of the unjust war in Iraq," the statement read. "Thousands of lives have been lost and hundreds of billions of dollars wasted in a war the United States initiated and should never have fought.... We grieve for all those whose lives have been lost or destroyed in this needless and avoidable tragedy. Military families have suffered undue hardship from prolonged troop rotations in Iraq and loss of loved ones. It is time to bring them home."

They have also taken a stand against Bush's efforts to make the use of torture acceptable.

The board also issued a strong statement against torture, urging Congress to create an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate detention and interrogation practices at Guantanamo, Iraq and Afghanistan.

I suspect he will fail to notice this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bush is no christian that much is clear.