Friday, July 14, 2006

Knotts For South Carolina Governor?

I saw one of the petition locations yesterday, and (as has been mentioned by others) it didn't leave the best impression. They were set up on Gervais Street, with a large posterboard sign written in freehand with what appeared to be Crayola markers.

Not the type of image I would want to project. There is a fine line between grass roots, and hopeless and childlike. The posterboard stand just looked a little sad.

It made this effort look a lot less serious than some in the republican party think it is. Some are now denouncing Jake's disloyalty demanding he repent or be excommunicated.

No one likes it when a party member wanders away from the pack, but at times these acts are not only justified, but vital. Jake Knott's current stand could be on very firm ground. If he honestly feels that our state is being led down the wrong path, and it can not risk to continue in this manner, he does have a moral responsibility to take action to correct it. If this is the case he need to quickly and clearly get his message out.


If he is mad because the Governor vetoed a redundant medical facility (as many suspect), he need to grow up a little, and put the petitions away.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought it meant Don Knotts.