Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Never Let The Truth Interfere

when you are on a moral crusade.

One of the more disgusting ploys of the antichoice crowd is the establishment of fake women's health clinics. They lure in women looking for information and help, then lie to them.

The report said that 20 of 23 federally funded centers contacted by staff investigators requesting information about an unintended pregnancy were told false or misleading information about the potential risks of an abortion.

87% of these centers, centers who are mostly run by self professed 'Christians', lied.

The right wing of our nation is amazing. If you don't like the science , ignore it. If you don't like the facts, make up new ones. The only truth that matters is not science, not fact, but being true to the agenda of the religious right or corporate masters.



Anonymous said...

Do you not find it tiresome to constantly generalize about everyone and everything? Yes, some people do things they should not…about that we can all agree. But the dubious perspective of always looking for the worst in people can only bring one thing…always finding the worst in people.

We find what we look for, and as is often the case, smart people that should be ADDING to intelligent discussion are rendering themselves brain dead …and this conservative finds that sad.

If one took your attitude towards minorities, or gays, or whomever, one would be rightly chastised…but since it is only white conservatives you belittle, there seems to be no penalty. Pity that.

Christians that lie are not good Christians…nor will they be very effective in their duties. But all Christians and all conservatives are not liars. And you are old enough to know better.


Jon said...

It is evil to look askew at a person for their skin color or nationality or sexual orientation, or sex for that matter, these are issues we have little or no control over. When I 'belittle' white consertives it is not for being white and not necessarily for being conservatives, but for their actions. There is a great difference between blind prejudice and holding people accountable for their acts.

If they did not lie, did note cheat, did not steal, did not deceive, then I would have nothing to say.

Additionally, it is clear that many 'white conservatives' support these acts (or at least turn a blind eye to them). That make them co-conspiritors in these lies and these deceptions, those who stand up against them are clearly not included.

It goes back to the lie with dogs, get up with fleas theory. If you support these programs, and 87% of these programs lie, then you yourself are a liar.

Now one small corrections.

I did not say all christians lie, I said 87% of the christians in this sample lied. That means that 13% told the truth.

Not great, not acceptable, but proof that not all christains lie, just the vast majority involved in this project.

As my post pointed out.

And Chris, thank you for your post

Anonymous said...

I suspected it would be fruitless to post, as a “liberal” mindset never allows for a thought contrary to what it already has mastered.

You said "If they did not lie, did not cheat, did not steal, did not deceive, then I would have nothing to say".

How is that different from a slave owner saying “If blacks weren't lazy, we would not have to beat them?” They are both blanket, uneducated generalization about a group that is not understood.

Both sides of the aisle make these statements, and that is regrettable. But my liberal friends are unwavering in their persistence. I find my views on different groups changing constantly…usually having to do with my interaction with them…and humanizing them, instead of dehumanizing them.

It is a pity that we have come to such a Balkanization of ideologies. It weakens not only the conservatives, but liberals…and I think the liberals suffer greatly by separating themselves from many good and honorable people.


Jon said...

How is that different from a slave owner saying “If blacks weren't lazy, we would not have to beat them?” They are both blanket, uneducated generalization about a group that is not understood.

Is he beating every black person he meets, or just the ones who are not working hard enough for his taste.

If he is beating all blacks it is clearly prejudice, if he is only beating those who are working slowly he is holding them accountable for thier actions.


Beating them all because you assume they are lazy is wrong, but beating them only when they prove they are lazy is rational (in a world where slavery and beatings are acceptable, a time that thankfully has passed).

and I agree seperation is a great sadness, and thankfully one I have been able to avoid. I interact with persons of all political leanings on a daily basis, both in a work and social enviroment.

I do understand the thinking of the right, and do know a few who denounce the liers in the mix, but they are very few.

Most use justifications to excuse the behavior, and that is disgusting and have told them so)

Anonymous said...


If I said that all conservatives are closeminded, homophobic, kneejerk reactionary, racist, facist warmongering pigs, that would clearly be a GROSS overgeneralization about a few bad apples in the conservative movement.

(I am about to make a few overgeneralizations, because 80% of people don't fall into the following categories neatly. Learning to distinguish is too much to do in a short blog comment)

MANY (40%?) of the conservatives I know are individuals dedicated to their own personal betterment and the betterment of others, the love and support of their family and community, and the pursuit of a political agenda that they belive will lead the country in the right direction. I do not always agree with what they have to say, but I try my best to respect them. Honestly, I think these folks are the bulk of people who ID themselves as (R)s.

Then there are the oppurtunists. A fair portion of the conservatives I know, would be liberals tommorow if thats the way the political spectrum shifted. BOOO on them.

Another portion (hopefully smaller than I suspect) are what I described in that first passage above. I've met them. I've eaten dinner with them. I drank the koolaid, and laid with the dogs. Luckily, I puked up the koolaid and got a flea dip somewhere along the line. These are the people Conservatives have to watch out for because they damage the integrity of the Conservative movement while at the same time sounding like folks you could get along with fine. And I tell you, you will know when you've met them.
Its scary how easily they lead you down the primrose path.

The other portion of the Conservatives I have met are the true believers. They believe in the correctness of their beliefs (usually religious and social) very very devotely to the point where they feel that their position is absolutely in the best interest of EVERYONE whether they agree or not. All they want to do is to help others see the true path, or believe the correct way, etc. At their most benign, these are the folks who work in homeless shelters and preach the good Word and help bring hope to folks. At its worst, these folks are Westboro Baptist Church protesting funerals of our slain soldiers blaming the war in Iraq on the US policy on homosexuals.

I think John's point was that it seems that this group of folks got jobs at abortion clinics to help council women on a tough choice, and in their zeal to keep a woman on the right "path" fed misinformation with all of the best intentions. I'm not saying everyone does it, but this sample says 87%. I don't vouch for the study or its results. But it does make you go hmmm.

I don't hate Conservatives, but right now, prominent Conservatives are popping up as the richest targets because what they are doing is coming home to roost.

Anonymous said...


I can’t argue with much (if any) of what you have said. I feel sure that we could argue politics, and learn a little from each other…and move on for a drink and talk baseball or river rafting or something…all it would be all in good fun.

But the humorless left that hates all things conservative, and especially anything to do with George Bush, is a blight on the intellectual landscape. We have losers on the right…but the left has a bumper crop just now. That crowd is not the “half empty” glass crowd…they look at the glass and see it bone dry.

I hope I better myself everyday. And I pray God keeps me from dwelling in the hate of the new crop of leftist. My best friend is a Harvard educated trust fund leftist. Aside from his politics he is the most wonderful guy in the world…but in that realm he has left the “loyal” opposition, and has just become the opposition. He has alienated friend and family alike…it is terribly sad…but the hate rules his thoughts. And because of the hate America loses another good man.

The human condition is full of good and bad, and it is up to us individually to control our actions and emotions…personally and politically.


Jon said...

Chris, while you (and many on the right) blame the left, consider this.

Rush has had his show two decades now, and he, as much as everyone else in this land has established the level of political discourse.

Blame the left if it makes you feel better, but the form was established by the right

Anonymous said...

Lets all just remember, A couple of prominent Ratings Mongers do not speak for everyone.
That would be like NOW speaking for all women. People hear the loudest voice and categorize all the others based on that voice. There are different levels of all people who want to be pigeonholed, or labeled into one category or another. I am certain that because you align yourself with a specific party, there are things that make you go Hmmm about your own party regardless of what party that is.
I dont know what it is about people who think that the glorious path they are headed down is one everyone should follow. To infiltrate, Lie and Decieve is wrong on any level. To believe in something, and to share it is an awesome freedom we all share as Humans, but when these tactics are used, its obvious not everybody shares that same glorious feeling. It seems that its taken a course even more so now than ever before, that if someone doesnt share my values and ideals, I must make them. It isnt only happening in personal lives, but our Governments feel the same way apparently. Spreading Democracy, Islam, Right to life, the list goes on and on. Its almost a "well I will make you believe this if you dont voluntarily do so."
Agree to disagree, meet in the middle, whatever it takes. Its nothing new, its cyclical. If you think about it, the world would be one harmonious place if everyone just turned their cheek rather than trying to make everyone "Believe like them". If they would just leave the other persons alone. The Religous crowd needs to read the Bible, if they did, they would take from it that their job is to just spread the word, not make people believe.

Anonymous said...


Surprisingly, I agree with some of what you say…but not all.

Please give Rush his due, and his blame. He is responsible for his actions, and those that follow him are responsible for theirs.

I was terribly disappointed by Air America…I could not wait till they came on air...knowing that it would be a vast improvement on the Rights methods. It never occurred to me that they would copy the existing model without making improvements. So the Left’s solution was to mimic the Right…and now blame they blame their choice to do so on the Right!

Again, it comes back to individual responsibility. I am more than aware of the problems on the Right…but you guys on the Left can only see hatred and disgust for us…and it is by exploiting that weakness that we keep winning elections.

Perhaps, and not soon enough for me, the Left will leave behind the “black helicopter” theory of the world, and will return again to the arena of ideas…and only then will you began to reverse the damage done to progressive ideas in this country.

Jon said...

Progressive ideas like

Health care
Social Security
Public Education
Personal Liberity
Unemploymnet Insurnace
The whole of the Bill of Rights

When a groups ideas are so flawed that they ave to lie to sell them, the group itself has become so corrupted as to be a threat to the nation.

as this time the right wing (as a whole, not necesserly all individules) fits that model. As long as the self identified members of the right continue to support and defend their leaders and spokspersons (Rush, Bill, Mike, Ann etc) the are will be seen as liars, and I will call them (as a group) such

Anonymous said...

You can and should do a better job of defending your ideals. Because you say something...does not make it so. and hate is still hate, no matter what you call it.

I came looking for intellectual stimulation, and got boiler plate "leftist disgust" with anyone that is not a fellow traveler.

See ya.

Jon said...

Well. Enjoy Rush and his funny little denouncemenst of Feminizis. Or Savage and is constant stream of calling anyone on the left nazis. Or maybe Ann and here little bits of joy and wisdom. Since they are the dominate political talk in the land you will have no trouble finding them.

Those may suit you better. The tend not to chalange the right to defend their actions, since they tend to be leading in much of the disgusting behavior.

If you don't like having the failings of the right discussed, you might not have a great time here. That is what I do here.

Thank you for the visit