Monday, July 24, 2006

A Small Change

Once upon a time NASA had a mission statement. It was widely displayed, and outlined the goals of the agency.

To understand and protect our home planet; To explore the universe and search for life; To inspire the next generation of explorers, as only NASA can.

But, this winter it was changed.

To explore the universe and search for life; To inspire the next generation of explorers, as only NASA can.

The little bit about understanding our home planet has disappeared.

It is a small change, and an unannounced change, it is also an important change. Much of the science that is being done in the effort to understand global warming is being done by NASA scientist. One of the reasons that this was done was because it was part of the mission of NASA.

Now it appears it isn't.

I guess that the work of George C. Deutsch, his efforts to censor scientist, may have continued after his departure, and that desire to hide unpleasant science may have been behind this small change.


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