Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Spam Will Hit The Fan

A Washington State Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriages is due today. No matter what the ruling is, expect howls of outrage.

Two lower courts have ruled that the current law against same sex marriage should not stand, saying it was unconstitutional in violating equal protect provisions.


The Washington State Supreme Court overturned two lower court rulings, and upheld the states restrictions on homosexual unions in a 5-4 vote.

Washington State appeared to accept an argument similar to the one New York used in it's recent defense of the New York gay marriage ban. A good, brief review of the New York ruling can be found at Dispatches From the Culture Wars. To me both of these decision feel like they were based more on a desire to avoid causing more political drama, than clear and logical law.

For democrats, this is sad, but good news. It weakens one of the republican wedge issues, and makes attacking the judiciary look a little more silly. It also makes it clear to me that homosexual unions will be legal for the vast majority of this nations population within a generation. The fact that so many states courts are so close to approving it is a clear indication that, in time, we will see equality for gay couples.


Pam also sees this ruling as very similar to New York's, and a bit of a cop out.


Lynne said...

"It also makes it clear to me that homosexual unions will legal for the vast majority of this nations population within a generation. The fact that so many states are so close to approving it is a clear indication that, in time, we will see equality for gay couples."

I'm not seeing what you are seeing. What I've seen is the citizens of state after state voting No on gay marriage. What am I missing?
(And by the way I hope we do see gay marriage within a generation. There is absolutely no logical reason to deny them).

Jon said...

Two indicators.

The acceptance of gay unions is growing, and ammong young adults is growing rapidly.

now only 1/3 of votes aged 18-30 opposed gay marriage.

This is a 30 point drop from the same age group only 10 years ago.

These are the one who will be the core of the voting body in 10-15 years, and even with the expected sligh swing right see in voting trends this is more than enough to be a supportive base for the concept. In addition, there is every indication that the next group of 18-30 is even more supportive of gay marriage.

The second point to consider.

The age group that was under thirty 10 years ago, is not mostly in the 30-49 group.

The support of gay unions in this body has actually gone up 10 points in the last ten years.

The tradational trend is, as peopel age they tend to vote a little more on the right, but in this issue the numbers are trending in the other direction.

I see hope, not hope for 06 or 09, but maybe 2012, or 15.

The numbers are trending to acceptance, and that means in time the law will follow

Lynne said...

Thanks. Glad to hear it.