Friday, July 07, 2006

Some Great Reading

For your Friday.

First is a sad story that should reinforce why the establishment clause is so vital to this country. The very un-christlike behavior of a few so-called Christians was noted at Bartholomew's notes on religion. This and other bad behavior was encouraged by the Stop the ACLU. Jesus' General could not let this opportunity pass by, and congratulated Stop the ACLU for their successful pogrom. As was noticed at Dispatches From The Culture War, Mr. Kareiva from Stop the ACLU totally missed the joke. This is not a real surprise, as the dishonesty and stupidity of the Stop of ACLU crowd has supplied hours of enjoyment at this blog.

Badtux, The Snarky Penguin introduces us to Coushatta, Louisiana, an area that, unfortunately, sounds a lot like parts of rural South Carolina.

A quick reminder from Outside the Tent IOKIYAAR (It's OK If You Are A Republican)



Anonymous said...

You know, The ACLU may have its place. But I think it has lost its direction. Honestly. If you spend millions of dollars to remove a Cross, from a piece of public ground, what have you won? People being people will be offended by many many things, except by the things that really matter. I dont care if your Catholic, Buddist, Muslim. I dont care if your Black, yellow, Green, or Gold. I dont care if you are Democrat, Republican, Male, Female. I just dont care. You will find something offensive to you if you look for it. I can turn my head when I see something offensive and not feel threatened that something from another Religion exists in my Town. Look Moron, there is a building of Organized Religion on every Corner, you going to ask that those be torn down too?
Fight for something that matters. Child Abuse, Child neglect. Theres a good start. Rights of Children in Foster Care, a system as messed up as any. Fight for the people who really dont have a voice. Fight for the children suffering because of a Deadbeat Mom, or Dad. Fight for things that matter. what a waste of Energy to remove one item of many from every ones sight because one person decided to say look at me, Im different.

Jon said...


You clearly do not understand. What is done on private land is protected, but the GORVERNEMNT (state, local, fed) can not, in any manner, promote a religion, as they are doing with the cross.

That cross has lost every time it has been in court, and should have been moved decades ago.

The concept of a state that avoids religion is one of the bedrock principials of this land, and those principals are more dear than any project you have mentioned, for hey define our society.

if the cross was not on public land, it would not be an issue of interest to the ACLU, or the courts.

again, move it or destroy it.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Wrong you are. I do clearly understand. I posted this on another one of your Blogs before I found this section.

Democrat. Republican. Who cares?! I mean really, is there a difference? If you can be labeled one way or the other, you are one of the Sheep they depend on to say in a high school tone of voice, "Eeeeeewww, your a Democrat? People instead of labeling themselves and trying to fit in, should step back and work on things that matter. The Government Sponsored Religion would be a good start. All these Morons that think the constitution, that recommends(term used loosely) seperation of Church and State, is being undermined and they are helping to do it. Instead of worrying if a Public School has a moment of silence, which I never knew a moment of silence to be based in any religion. They should be worried about the Government passing legislation over Gay Marriage, Abortion, and the Ten Commandments in public places. Last time I checked, every one of those topics were a Religious held belief. So what do the Sheeple do? Lets make the Government pass a law. That should show everyone what sad state our School Systems are in. The people are not even educated enough to know that these things become buzz words for re-election instead of things like Foriegn relations, Border Control, Famine and lousy access to food and medications. Our returning Soldiers who have their arms and legs ripped off, cant even support themselves, or a family if they have one. Fighting for what? Oil? "Peace for other Nations who have Dictatorships?" Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Long Live the ACLU! sic

Love your Blog.

I am not trying to remain anonomys by the way, I am setting up a blog here too.

Jon said...

On most of you points I can agree, but I do think that holding firm to prinicipals is vital to the survivial of our nation.

And the cross (as the moment of silence) are great examples of trying not to overturn these principals, but eroding them.

A moment of silence is just an excuse to keep STATE MANDATED prayer in school (if you don't think some schools would do this, check out first links in this post). There is no reason, other than forcing a time of prayer into the school day, for doing this.

A student or teacher can pray (as long as they action isn't disruptive) at any time, but their actions must be personal, and can not have the taint of the state upon them.

The cross is on city land, has should come down.

Is this a dire pressing issue?

No, except that the courts have rulled over and over again to take it down, and the government has, to this point, refused to follow these orders.

If the cross was down, there is no issue, untill it is down, there is. It is the therocratic christians who are contuning this fight, not the ACLU.

and, when you have your blog started, drop me a note so I can check it out

Lynne said...

"Honestly. If you spend millions of dollars to remove a Cross, from a piece of public ground, what have you won?"

You win the right to not have your tax dollars put up a Crescent symbol or Jewish star in a public building. It is not hard to see what happens when one religious group gets its foot in the door. Pretty soon, pharmacists are refusing to fill birth control prescriptions and Jewish people are run out of a Delaware school district. The ACLU is fighting on many fronts. This one just happens to represent a small crack in the dam.